

My father passed away after fighting a battle with Cholangiocarcinoma. It made me realise the problems faced by the doctors and researchers and the society in general. Every year thousands of people lose their life due to the high cost of genomic diagnosis or the slow speed of such analysis. Moreover, many countries even lack such facilities of in-depth genetic testing. With this problem in mind, like-minded and highly experienced researchers and clinicians met and formed newGenia. We have the perfect skills, knowledge and motivation to bring biological and biomedical computational data analysis to clinicians and researchers. In this day and age, when we humans are planning to cross the horizon and reach Mars and beyond, letting people die of treatable and preventable causes is unacceptable.

Product Designer

Sara Takkash

The idea behind newGenia is that genomic data analysis should be accessible to everyone. I believe it can also help prevent the loss of life of loved ones by early and easy identification of various diseases, such as solid cancers. That is why, as a new parent, I think about how different the future would be for my son’s generation. If genomic analysis is accessible, fast and affordable then informed decisions can be taken well  ahead of time. There is nothing more noble than trying to help save lives. That is why when I was presented with the idea of newGenia I knew without a doubt that I want to be a part of this game changer.

AI/ML Developer

Tatiana Alexandra

The potential of genetics is not just in personalised medicine and treating diseases, but also in predicting future problems and avoiding health damage. This leads to medicare economy and improved scientific research, which in turn helps in finding even better solutions. With rapidly developing IT technologies and advanced AI algorithms, genetics is the right field for their application. My passion is in Mathematics, Linguistics and Genetics. I strongly believe that different approaches from these fields will help us build a unique application.